Taking on a content first mentality with your marketing, means you must be willing to put yourself out there, possibly in ways you never imagined. Taking a stand, having a strong point of view and perhaps even shaking up the status quo are all elements that need to be considered when developing content for your business. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi is joined by Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs. Ann shares a story from her grade school years of how being forced to evaluate what it meant to literally sit on the sidelines affected more than just one game of field hockey. You cannot expect to succeed if you are not in the game.
Too often, as start-ups and even as established companies, the marketing messages we create for our audience share only the features, not the true benefits that will help those we serve. In this episode of Content, Inc., Joe Pulizzi brings on guest Jay Acunzo, VP of Platform for NextView Ventures, to share how to get past the features conversation and go directly to addressing the problems you solve for your customers. Don't fail by leading with your product. Succeed by leading with how you improve the current situation for your customer.
This episode of Content Inc. Joe Pulizzi has guest Jon Loomer, a Facebook Marketing Expert who has grown his business using a content marketing approach. Jon shares how he grew his audience and subsequently his revenue, by building a solid content base. In his first two years, he generated over 600 blog posts. This was truly a solid base that then allowed him to diversify into other content platforms as well as create products that his audience wanted. Listen to hear more of how Jon became the Facebook Marketing Expert by focusing on content first.
Launching products on the web is not a new idea today, however, a few years back when Brian Clark started Copyblogger, these ideas and concepts were quite new. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi has Brian share how he launched the first product for Copyblogger and how that initial process continues to evolve and grow the company. Learn why building your audience before you have a product is a critical component to a successful content driven business model.
What are the rules to building a Content Inc marketing approach to your business? The rule is there are no rules. In this episode, Joe Pulizzi brings on Brian Clark, founder of Copyblogger, to share a bit of the origin story of launching his business and site. Brian had two aspects he knew he wanted for his business. One, he wanted to apply his copywriting skills to content to make it more engaging, more reader friendly and more valuable. And two, it had to sell stuff, not advertising, to make money.
Creating content for the sake of just creating content will not necessarily be the best strategy for your business. This episode of Content Inc. Joe Pulizzi addresses a few things to consider when honing in on your content niche. Joe is also joined by good friend Jay Baer, Convince and Convert, to ask you two questions you better be able to answer before you start any content creation. Learn why caring more about the content you create can mean the difference between just creating content and creating great content that converts.
It's time to take on a publishing mindset. If you want to dominiate your industry, thinking and acting more like a media company vs. the traditional marketing tactics of the past, will get you there. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi breaks down the four ways you can dominate your marketing by publishing quality and useful content for your target audience. Become the leading authority on your topic or in your industry by being helpful. Choose a media platform and own it. Watch your business become the dominate player in your field.
Technology has not only changed how we do business with customers, it has also changed how we work as in organization. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi discusses why now is the time to consider ditching the traditional office and creating a virtual working model for your business. Joe cites this one decision as perhaps the best decision they made at Content Marketing Institute. By choosing the right talent, having less meetings and the ability to be agile, becoming virtual could put you ahead of your competition.