As a small business, don't make the mistake of going to wide with your content strategy before you even get started. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi discusses the importance of going small to get big. So often we are tempted to go wide with our content, when it makes more sense to go very niche with perhaps one buyer persona, or even a specific group of buyers within that persona. Don't try to compete with brands that have bigger budgets. Do what you do well in a tighter, niche area and go deep with your content.
In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi reiterates the importance of setting a goal around building your audience. In recent surveys, the majority of marketers do not have this goal in their top list of goals for the year. Joe implores you to reconsider and start with goals around building lists and subscribers so that you have an audience in which to share content and build some sort of engagement.
The Content Inc. model of marketing your business requires not only creating valuable content your audience wants, but also requires the ability to listen to your audience for feedback. Feedback is critical for content ideas and to gain an understanding of what is working and what is falling flat. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi shares five ways you can start creating your own listening posts to gain valuable audience and customer feedback.
Too often we dive into content creation without a solid strategy on why we are creating the content we develop. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi shares how Amazon's Press Release Strategy can be used by you to develop your Content Tile (see Episode 39) or to refine your Cotent Tilt even deeper. Be the leading informational source in your content niche by developing a strong content strategy.
If you are not striving to be the 'go to' resource in your niche, you are settling. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi shares why setting your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) around your content is critical for success in today's content driven business world. Find out the four elements that you need to cover when setting your best of breed goals with your content strategy.
In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi breaks down the definition of content tilt and why this approach is so critical to your content strategy. What makes your approach to a topic different? What makes how your approach to the content of this topic unique? When you tilt, you see something from a different angle or perspective. Creating a content tilt can differentiate you from all the others in your industry.
Understanding who your audience is when it comes to content creation is critical. Your content can be great, but who you are writing it for provides the context in which you will actually create it. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi breaks down the importance of this context and how understanding the information needs of your audience can make all the difference.
Skill is important when it comes to creating content, but the secret behind the Content Inc. model is having passion for the subject or topic of the content you produce. In this episode, Joe Pulizzi shares examples of how individuals put their passion first when it came to content and have built an audience, and serious revenue because of it.