Setting goals is not a new idea. Yet statistics show that with only 32% of marketers writing down a content marketing strategy, goal-setting is still missing from the industry. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi makes the connection of how Michael Jordan had really, just one big goal for his career (to be the best player that every played the game) and how that one big goal drove him day after day, year after year. You need to set one big goal: building your audience and focusing on subscribers. Every successful Content Inc. model has a strong subscriber initiative that drives the rest of the content marketing success.
Doug Kessler of Velocity Partners says, "If you do not write down your content marketing strategy, it does not exist." Yet only 32% of marketers actually have a documented content strategy. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi breaks down the key elements you need when developing a written content marketing strategy for your organization. This is a critical component to your content marketing success, so be sure to take the time and get it in writing.
Seven out of ten content marketers fail at their content initiatives. But, according to Joe Pulizzi, that's ok. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe discusses how failure can be the driving force that gets you to your biggest success. This is not a new idea, but in a time when only about 30% of content marketing efforts seem to be successful, it's a great reminder.
It seems that the term 'content marketing' is everywhere today. Most brands and companies are taking some sort of content approach to growing their business. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi reminds you to not only create content, but to tell a different story. Find the content gap in your industry and fill it. By sharing this story, you will rise above what everyone else is saying and build a better, stronger Content Inc. model for your business.
In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi shares a bit of the Marcus Sheridan story of how he grew River Pools and Spas by becoming the best teachers in their industry. He reminds you that what you sell will probably change over the next few years. But if you are putting a value first approach to your content and becoming the leading educator in your industry, this won't matter. Content that teaches your audience will ensure you will always be relevant to your audience.
The recent announcement of ESPN's decision to shut down their site Grantland has caused a bit of a stir in the online world. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi shares why brands such as Nike or Under Armour should consider purchasing Grantland as part of their content strategy. With millions of dollars being spent annually on ads that interrupt viewers, listeners and readers, what could an already established site with great content targeted to your audience bring in terms of loyal customers and increased revenue? Perhaps it's time to look at already existing content platforms as part of your content strategy and move ad spend to a Content Inc. model.
Social media has been a game changer for business. But it's important to remember that these platforms are ones you get to use; you do not own them. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi discusses the latest platform to change up their model and require users to make decisions on their content. YouTube's Red subscription model is just another in a long, recent line of social media platforms that are changing things up to gain more revenue opportunities. Don't bet the farm of your business on another company's revenue goals. Focus on building content on platforms that you own.
Are you looking at your competition and simply doing what they are doing with content marketing? Or are you looking to be more original and innovative with what you produce? In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi shares three ways you can get more focused with your content marketing efforts and create content that is original and innovative. Don't go insane trying to copy what others are doing. Become the original content creator that really taps into the audience of your industry.
In the recent B2B content marketing survey put out by Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs, more and more marketers are embracing content marketing as a philosophy and discipline. Yet, most of these same content marketers admit that they are not being successful with their efforts. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi breaks down the 5 key items that need to be considered to create a successful content marketing program. If you are struggling with content marketing success, listen to this episode!