A very special New Year's episode of Content Inc. where I go through seven different strategies on how to build a loyal audience.
Specifically, I talk about creating a platform strategy, finding your area of content differentiation, and why less content may mean more results for 2022.
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It's that time of year again. Here's an "easy" way to set up goals for 2022 that you can commit to and will change your life for the better.
Need a goal-setting process that works? Well, here you go.
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First, excited to announce our new event - CEX: Creator Economy Expo - at the Arizona Grand Resort in Phoenix, May 2-4, 2022.
In addition, we launched our NFT program, CEX Never-Ending Tickets.
This week I discuss to issues I'm been working through. First is the problem with the large increase in teenage suicide. Sort of an evil cocktail of social media plus COVID-19.
Second, I talk about what we can do to stop dementia.
Both issues are related to screen time. Now is the time we can all take control of this very important issue.
Links for this issues include:
Suicide rates jump in teenage girls and the Prof G podcast with Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
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Announcing the official launch of our Never Ending Tickets with a step-by-step process on how to make it happen for your content creation efforts.
I believe, over time, this type of NFT will be a successful business model for content creators and event producers.
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Here's an overview of how I map out my day for my personal training and education process.
To be a great content creator, you need a daily plan of what sources you will use to keep pushing yourself, and how you can make time for ongoing training and education.
I also discuss our latest training course, Content Entrepreneurship 101, available at https://education.thetilt.com/.
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Well, we didn’t win the US Constitution…but this is going to be big.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here are the details.
As you know from listening to this podcast, I’ve been covering quite a bit about DAOs and digital property rights for content creators.
Most of the DAO (decentralized autonomous organizations) examples I’ve been sharing are for media companies and crypto projects. Well, here’s one that really got me thinking.
Last week, a group of investors and crypto enthusiasts launched ConstitutionDAO. Their goal? To buy the actual US constitution.
Auction house Sotheby’s auctioned it off last week. The estimated price was to go between $15 and $20 million dollars.
ConstitutionDAO’s goal was to purchase this version. They say:
“We’re buying the US Constitution.
For the first time in thirty-three years, one of thirteen surviving copies of the Official Edition from the Constitutional Convention will be publicly auctioned by Sotheby's. It is the only copy that is still owned by private collectors. The proceeds from the auction will be given to a charity that has been established by the current owner.”
They had all kinds of plans for it, including giving this version to the Smithsonian Institute and then working out a plan to buy more US artifacts.
Crazy, right?
As you probably already know, they did not win. A private investor won the bid at around $43 million dollars. Unbelievable. ConstitutionDAO raised over $40 million in about a week and came up just short. It seems the private investor who won was a billionaire and was going to win it regardless. Probably was Bezos or something.
Here’s what ConstititionDAO stated on their Discord page:
"We did not win the bid for the copy of the U.S. constitution. While this wasn’t the outcome we hoped for, we still made history tonight with ConstitutionDAO. This is the largest crowdfund for a physical object that we are aware of—crypto or fiat. We are so incredibly grateful to have done this together with you all and are still in shock that we even got this far. Sotheby’s has never worked with a DAO community before. We broke records for the most money crowdfunded in less than 72 hours. We have educated an entire cohort of people around the world – from museum curators and art directors to our grandmothers asking us what eth is when they read about us in the news – about the possibilities of web3. And, on the flip side, many of you have learned about what it means to steward an asset like the U.S. constitution across museums and collections, or watched an art auction for the first time.
We had 17,437 donors, with a median donation size of $206.26. A significant percentage of these donations came from wallets that were initialized for the first time."
I was part of the 17,000 plus who donated. To be honest, it was all very exciting. I knew people who actually flew out to see the auction live.
Just a few months ago something like this would have been impossible, but now because of the blockchain and the token, groups of people can easily come together into a real business and govern themselves.
Why am I telling you all this?
Start thinking of the applications.
Want to keep a historical structure in your town? Start a DAO.
Want to buy a minor league baseball team? Start a DAO.
Want to buy a bar with all your friends? Start a DAO.
Now, there are all kinds of legal landmines here because, well, we know nothing about this new legal entity.
That said, THIS is what the internet was built for. Now groups of people can more easily pool resources, own things, and self-govern.
And maybe the best part about this, is the equitable approach. The Bankless blog and newsletter just wrote this – and I paraphrase
“In the Web3 environment where anonymity is welcomed and encouraged, nothing about your background can be used to prevent you from jumping into a DAO, getting to work, and earning money.
We absolutely cannot take this lightly. We have a real opportunity here: to find the human coordination solutions we have been seeking ever since humans first started walking upright. These solutions aren’t just elegantly built atop code—they’re our first real shot at a universally equitable work environment.
An equitable work environment is where anyone can work for what they want to achieve because everyone has the same tools to do so.
Ageism doesn’t exist—want to be a governance leader at 16 or 75? Prove your talents and you’re in.
Geographic borders don’t exist either. The DAO you want to join is halfway across the world? Come right in.
The motherhood penalty—when women of childbearing years struggle to get promoted because they’re a corporate “risk” if they have children—is not anywhere to be seen in a DAO.
They pay and promote people based on work quality and nothing else.
All right, back to me now. This IS something. We are just getting started. The token makes this possible.
Do you feel like you never got to take advantage when the Internet was just getting started. Well, tokenization, and DAOs, could be bigger. If you are a content entrepreneur or content marketer, it’s time to pay attention.
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I first started in content marketing back in 2000 at a business-to-business publishing company. At that time, we were selling clients, for the most part, custom magazines. The goals of the magazine were to build more loyal audiences with repeat purchases or for lead generation programs for prospects. I worked on projects with Autodesk and Agilent that were mind blowing (and effective).
But not all our prospects had multi-million-dollar budgets. Also, many did not have large enough audiences to make the content effort worthwhile.
A few years after I started, some of the leaders in our group had an idea for an educational effort around indoor air quality or IAQ. The topic was hot (no pun intended) at the time, and most of the manufacturers in the air conditioning industry were preaching about it. Why? Because their products were better at creating better air quality. Just think casinos before more advanced air filtration system was developed. Go to an older casino in downtown Las Vegas and then walk into a newer one. It hits you immediately (in more ways than one).
Anyway, there were a number of smaller air conditioning players interested in the concept. They didn’t have the budget or reach of the big players. So we worked with five smaller players on an ongoing content marketing program and created a content network. They pooled their money and reach and created an amazing project that helped to educate contractors and, in turn, their businesses.
I love this model for smaller content creators. Look, if you have a large enough loyal audience, you don’t need partnerships anymore. You don’t need a content network. If you don’t have reach, you have a choice. You can keep grinding it out, hoping to get to your minimum viable audience…or…you can build or join a content network.
About a decade ago, Jerod Morris launched The Assembly Call, a publication dedicated to Indiana University basketball. The publication has grown steadily over the years and does an amazing job covering the team and surrounding concepts.
Recently, with the rise of community tokens, Jerod wanted to create their own cryptocurrency on Rally.io (the same network as our $TILT coin). Rally believed that Jerod’s reach wasn’t big enough. So…Jerod contacted three other partners, and an ongoing sponsor, to create a larger network. This new network, called the Back Home Network, had a much larger fan base and was accepted by Rally, now going by $HOME coin.
Let’s look at your situation. Do you have a mission that is similar to other players in your market? Could there be a way that you could make a larger impact by joining forces instead of competing? If so, create the bigger vision and start your approach.
The Tilt recently did this with our Content Entrepreneur research. When we started the survey process, we just didn’t have the audience numbers to succeed alone, but we still needed to do it. A couple calls to Ann Handley, Brian Clark, Jason Miller, Chris Ducker and a sponsor, Libsyn, and we had our project.
So why wait to create that project that needs to be completed now? Create a network and build faster. Good luck.
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I've been struggling about where to put community tokens (creator coins or social tokens) in the content creator business model. I think I found the answer.
They actually aren't a separate category. I believe you duplicate the fiat model with a secondary token business model.
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The ability for content entrepreneurs to create their own digital property through NFTs is a game changer. Now is the time to start learning, experimenting and looking differently at how you create content and how you can package that experience for the future.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
NFTs could be the greatest opt-in subscription for content creators since the dawn of email. NFTs could function more like NETs in the future, or Never Ending Tickets.
Are we at the dawn of a new business model for content creators or is this fool's gold?
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For decades we've had "their" models and "mine" models for content creator business models. Today, because of the blockchain, we can have "our" models. It's all about community and social tokens and there is a big opportunity here for content creators and content entrepreneurs.
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Apparently we are all doing our "to-do" lists the wrong way. Instead of making a list and crossing off your items, your job is to select only one thing from that list and complete it. Everything else is noise.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
An overview of my keynote from Content Marketing World 2021, where I review 10 amazing opportunities/strategies where content entrepreneurs are out maneuvering content marketers.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
Most companies look at content competition in the wrong way. In the content world, competition is more like partnership. In the new world, the rising tide lifts all boats. Time to change our approach to competitors.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
Right now, we have to be what's called "risk on." It's too easy to fall into the trap of being comfortable. Want to grow? To succeed? We need to stretch out our arms to push out the sameness.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
Is a new business model for content entrepreneurs upon us? Well...maybe. It may be that new community-first models are superior to Web2 models of the past. Enter...Web 2.5.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
In Web 3.0, is it possible to not only generate revenue for yourself through content creation, but for your audience as well? I think this is actually a thing, and maybe we need to begin planning for it.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
All content entrepreneurs need to start with an MVA, a minimum viable audience, before they launch products or diversify. Here's how to get started.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
Content creators at big corporations and those creating content for their own businesses need to figure out how to get started with NFTs...and do it quickly. Here's a guide.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
We cap off our Content Inc. book tour interview series with John Lee Dumas from EOF. How did he build it? What was his content tilt? What's the production cycle? How does he build an audience through guest interviews.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
John Rockefeller celebrated one day every year over all others, and teaches us why content entrepreneurs need to celebrate this date as well.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
Trish breaks down the secret to her success on YouTube and how she generates multiple lines of revenue from building an audience through video.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
In our just-released content entrepreneur benchmark study, there are two very concerning statistics that need to change if we are going to move this profession forward.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
I sit down with Brian Clark, one of the OGs of content marketing and content entrepreneurship, on how he started and grew his content creation business into millions.
In the interview, Brian discusses:
- his start in blogging.
- the focus on email newsletters and email lists.
- revenue strategies including courses, paid content and affiliate programs.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)
So many companies either forget or don't have a why to their content before they choose all the whats. This may be the biggest mistake in content marketing now. Doing an analysis now will save you in the long run. H/T to comedian Michael Jr. for the insight.
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Order the new version of Joe's best-selling book today - Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with little to no money)